Companies we helped close deals with

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(friendly chat)

Every business has wasted time, effort, and money on marketing strategies that get no results.

By targeting the same audience using the same methods
LinkedIn/Cold Email/Calling/Webinars……..

But some businesses are seeing 50-60% responses on their campaigns. Want to find out how?

Most businesses are targeting the same audience using the same methods…LinkedIn/Cold Email/Calling/Webinars blablablablabla hoping for a 10-15 response rate

Some businesses are seeing 50-60% responses on their campaigns. Want to know how we do it?

Imagine your dream clients calling you up, and asking you for a meeting…

We didn’t reinvent the wheel. Just went back to being human.

We didn’t reinvent the wheel. Just went back to being human.

You probably think you've tried every client acquisition method out there…

But have you ever closed a prospect by sending them a life sized cutout cardboard of them shaking your hands?

Or a coconut with a short message attached?

Or a "wanted" poster of them after they ghosted you?

Well, our clients made $120k in revenue from these 3 examples alone.

"But this is very random and unprofessional!"

Maybe so, but with technology and AI advancing, everyone is using automated outreach tools to mass contact every breathing human on the planet in hopes of getting a 0.5% reply rate.

Wouldn't you think it pays more to slow down and be more…human?

Even if you put a lot of effort into your outreach, you're still surrounded by so much noise it's hard to stand out. Lead gen agencies made outreach synonymous with spam, by automating 90% of the outreach (aka spam) then try to charge $200/call or $3k/mo..

Intrigued enough to join me on a friendly 20m chat?

You probably think you've tried every client acquisition method out there…

But have you ever closed a prospect by sending them a life sized cutout cardboard of them shaking your hands?

Or a coconut with a short message attached?

Or a "wanted" poster of them after they ghosted you?

Well, our clients made $120k in revenue from these 3 examples alone.

"But this is very random and unprofessional!"

Maybe so, but with technology and AI advancing, everyone is using automated outreach tools to mass contact every breathing human on the planet in hopes of getting a 0.5% reply rate.

Wouldn't you think it pays more to slow down and be more…human?

Even if you put a lot of effort into your outreach, you're still surrounded by so much noise it's hard to stand out. Lead gen agencies made outreach synonymous with spam, by automating 90% of the outreach (aka spam) then try to charge $200/call or $3k/mo..

Intrigued enough to join me on a friendly 20m chat?

First we make a list of 20 Dream clients to laser focus on

Then we figure out the best personalized way to get their attention

Then we get you on call with them, after having started the relationship on strong footing.

See plans

Book a Call

Book a Call

Imagine your dream clients calling you up, and asking you for a meeting…

Every business has wasted time, effort, and money on marketing strategies that get no results.

By targeting the same audience using the same methods
LinkedIn/Cold Email/Calling…

But some businesses are seeing 50-60% responses on their campaigns. Want to find out how?

Weekly Updates &
On Demand through Slack

See plans

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Companies we helped close deals with

  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car


It cost us $60 to mail 20 of these to prospects. We made $75k.

Our newest campaign!!

Our newest campaign!!

Our newest campaign!!


Cost $60 to mail to 20 prospects
Made $75k in Revenue

  • Astronaut on Cars
  • Floating Astronaut
  • Floating Car

Carim - Some dude

Snowy - Founder & CGO

Hi! Thanks for making it this far. I could tell you a hundred things about us and our origin story

But I'm more interested in listening to yours.

To see if I can help amplify your voice and increase your surface of luck

and distinguish your voice from all the noise surrounding.

It's undeniable, you and your competitors are all competing within the same channels

using the same methods….to target the same people.

We put a ridiculous amount of effort in each and every sales message to send to prospects

So much that they often say they would've felt much guilt if they didn't at least hop on a call

Join me on a 0 Expectations Call - I'll share all of the proven methods with you

You're free to use them for inspiration, use them, or hire us to run em for you

Worst case scenario it's a 20 minutes rant and relief session for you.

See you then,

- Carim, Co-Founder & CGO

Reach your dream clients

Without spending thousands on SDRs, tools, or vendors.

Book a Call

Hi, nice to meet you!

Carim - Some dude

Snowy - Founder & CEO

Reach your dream clients

Without spending thousands on SDRs, tools, or agencies.

Book a Call

Hi! Thanks for making it this far. I could tell you a hundred things about us and our origin story

But I'm more interested in listening to yours.

To see if I can help amplify your voice and increase your surface of luck

and distinguish your voice from all the noise surrounding.

It's undeniable, you and your competitors are all competing within the same channels, using the same same methods, to target the same people.

We put a ridiculous amount of effort in each and every personalized message we send to prospects, so much that they often say they would have felt much guilt if they DIDN'T call or at least hear or consider the offer.

Join me on a "0 Expectations call" and I'll give you all of our proven methods, feel free to use them, get inspired by them, or hire us to run em for you.

Worst case scenario it's a 20 minutes rant and relief session for you.

See you soon!

- Carim, Co-Founder & CGO

Hi, nice to meet you!

Then we figure out the best PERSONALIZED way to get their attention

First we make a list of 20 Dream clients to laser focus on

Then we get them on a call with you, after you successfully started the relationship with them on strong footing, the way no competitor has.

“It's the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet, tender joy.

I bless the rising sun each day, and, as before, my heart sings to meet it, but now I love even more its setting, its long slanting rays and the soft, tender, gentle memories that come with them"

—― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

“It's the great mystery of human life that old grief passes gradually into quiet, tender joy.

I bless the rising sun each day, and, as before, my heart sings to meet it, but now I love even more its setting, its long slanting rays and the soft, tender, gentle memories that come with them"

—― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov

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